Principal's Message
Dear De Anza Families,
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! I am so lucky and honored to be able to continue the wonderful work that makes De Anza so special.
Our amazing teachers and support staff are committed to helping students thrive socially, emotionally, and academically! We are committed to preparing all our students for College and Career! During the 2024-2025 school year, we will focus on literacy, critical thinking, building a deep understanding of mathematical concepts and focusing on Social and Emotional Learning. We will also continue working diligently to meet the diverse needs of our students through small group instruction reading instruction across all grade levels, school-wide.
As recipients of the Platinum Award for Schoolwide Positive Behavior Intervention Support, our deliberate work to instill tools for self-regulation and emotional wellness will carry on through lessons by our teachers and counselor. All the expectations fit within three categories: Be Safe, Be Responsible, and Be Respectful.
Throughout the year, exciting things are happening in our classrooms and our campus! We encourage you to get involved by joining our PTA, volunteering, and/or simply having daily conversations with your child(ren) about the school day. We also have a quarterly Coffee with the Principal, School Site Council, and English Learner Advisory Council which we invite you to come to hear updates and share ideas with us. We ask that you maintain communication with your child’s teacher throughout the year and ask your child daily what he/she learned about in school. Working together as a team, I know your child will have the best year yet at De Anza Elementary!
One of the greatest characteristics of De Anza is our positive culture. We developed a house system designed to promote unity, provide students opportunities to connect across grades, promote core character traits, and create a sense of pride. De Anza has Four Houses, yet we are One Family. Our Houses are:
Kuamua--Swahili for Determined
Honestidad--Spanish for Honesty
Qwicha"aantum--Luiseno for Compassionate
Quantum--Latin for Respectful
All students and staff are divided into the four houses, and students will remain in their house their entire time at De Anza. Students will have the opportunity to participate in House Fridays which is where they promote the pride of their house, learn unique skills, and celebrate the house point leaders for each week.
I cannot wait to create new memories at De Anza. Together, we will make it a great year! Please do not hesitate to contact me, I am here to serve you. Thank you so much for choosing us as your school.
Here to Serve,
Mrs. Irene Templeman