School Policies
Closed Campus
De Anza Elementary is a Closed Campus which means we only allow our students to enter and exit through the gates on site. All parents or any visitor must come through the office. This is in order to ensure we maintain student safety at all times. Parents and visitors must present their ID when they come through the office and obtain a printed badge using the Lobby Guard system. Please be sure to bring your ID with you each time you come to the office. Our office staff does it's best to remember our families, but if we have a substitute they will ask for your ID. Thank you for helping us ensure our students safety is our top priority!
Toys, Fidget Spinners, and Personal Belongings
One policy to be aware of is that we ask for no toys, including fidget spinners, to be brought to school unless approved by a teacher or administration. We ask that you assist us in adhering to this policy because it disrupts the learning occurring in the classroom and on campus. We do not want to risk students losing or breaking any of their personal belongings. Thank you for your support!
Please refer to the school and district student handbook for any other specific policies. You can also call the school for any information or questions you may have.
If students bring a cell phone or personal device to school, they must remain off and in their backpacks. Phones can be confiscated by staff members to have parents come pick them up if students are using them during the school day without permission. Please refer to the school and district student handbooks for more information.
Students are also able to have a Chromebook checked out to keep for usage at home. Please make sure to monitor this device at home. Our Library Media Technician can assist with any concerns that come up with the devices.